Preparing People To Pass

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Have you taken your state insurance exam yet?

What was your score on the state insurance exam?:

How many attempts did it take to pass your state insurance exam ?

Have you scheduled your state insurance exam yet?

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51% - is the average national pass rate for students taking their State Insurance Exam the first time.

3 - average number of tries to pass State Insurance Exam.

81% - Average pass rate for those students who complete XCEL Testing Solutions - Prep Review and State Exam Simulator

You now have access to the XCEL Testing Solutions Prep Review and State Exam Simulator with over 800 practice exam questions. These cram courses are a must as you study and prepare for your State Insurance Exam.

To access these courses, log back into your Student Dashboard.

- Once logged in, click "MY COURSES"

- Click "INSURANCE PRE-LICENSING". You should then see folders containing the Prep Review and State Exam Simulator.

-Then, click your the folder containing your state. After that, click on the folder that says "Prep Review and State Exam Simulator".